Monday, April 26, 2010

Something Growing On My Dogs Lip


E 'born BLUE!

I wanted to share with you the birth of my baby .... Tuesday, 13/04 at 22:46 after a busy day and 10 hours of labor, yet did not want my baby to be born, it took the intervention of a good gynecologist and caesarean section to see the most beautiful little person on earth, love Mom and Dad: BLUE finally came !!!!!

This arrival that changes the lives of every family will keep me away from the blog for a while! But I think it is justified absence, now has little need of his mother and this symbiotic relationship will last for a while ..... I hope to return soon in the meantime I leave you a picture of our baby.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Snow Cleats For Tires

Recycling Christmas

Dopo Pasqua ... ricicliamo gli avanzi

di Natale!!!

Come ben sapete tutti i panettoni e pandori confezionati che sono rimasti da Natale scadono entro la fine di aprile. E allora cosa possiamo inventarci?

Ho trovato due soluzioni veramente golose una monoporzione e una che magicamente รจ diventata a birthday cake.

I was still in the pantry and I used a pandoro:

SMALL domes PANDORO with chocolate mousse

I took pandoro sliced \u200b\u200bhorizontally as with a pasta bowl I got some wheels and I lined the mold of Silikomart half spheres. I soaked in a mixture of milk and cocoa powder and filled with a mousse / chocolate cream taken from Pinella.

Cremoso al cioccolato

180 gr di latte

120 gr di panna

50 gr di tuorli

50 gr di zucchero

120 gr di cioccolato al 65%

50 gr di cioccolato al latte

Far bollire il latte e la panna. Far liquefare i due tipi di cioccolato. Amalgamare i tuorli con lo zucchero, aggiungere il liquido caldo e portare a 82°C. Versare sul cioccolato e amalgamare con delicatezza.

Messo in frezzer per alcune ore, sformato il tutto e ricoperto con scaglie di cioccolato al latte.

riciclo panettone - interno cremoso al cioccolato 2


Poi ho preparato una crema pasticcera classica:

500 ml latte

4 tuorli

160g zucchero

70g farina

1/2 stecca di vaniglia

2 fogli di colla di pesce

With the Left and the creamy custard, I filled a diameter of 28 silicon sampo alternating pandoro soaked in rum and coffee, custards and creamy chocolate.
I put everything in the fridge for 6 / 8 hours.

Meanwhile I prepared the Fudge Frosting.

Ingredients :

50 g dark chocolate 225 g sugar 50 g

3 tablespoons butter milk

In a saucepan put the chocolate into small pieces, powdered sugar, butter, and milk. Put the saucepan on the stove over low heat until the mixture is bensciolto. Remove from heat and stir again until creamy mix well. Wait for it to cool until you have a compound that is able to spread well.

I then transformed into a pie dish and I covered the entire surface with this icing. I decorated with hearts of sugar.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wedding Invitation Quotes In Kannada

focaccia Bonci

( recipe Gabriele Bonci )

the other day to test the chef I admired the skill of Gabriele Bonci, known throughout the world is denominao by Vogue America as "the Michelangelo's Pizza," he and all his spectacular dough ... find all the videos of episodes on the website Try the chef under the "pizza".
Ve propose it because it's fantastic (although I got a little bland so you can add salt to taste) and you can submit it at Easter for a picnic.

1 kg wheat flour
600/800 grams of water
7 grams of dried yeast 2 tablespoons olive oil

10 g breadcrumbs salt

Put flour (about 80% immediately and the rest before pulling), water and yeast in a Boulle and stir with a wooden spoon then add the salt, put the dough on a pastry. The mixture is umidisimo but it must be so. Transfer it in boulle cover with oil and let stand in refrigerator (at the bottom) for 12 hours.

After this time, remove from refrigerator and sprinkle the mixture of bread crumbs so that it absorbs the oil. Turn it upside down directly on the pan, add another drop of oil on the sides and roll out the dough only with the help of hands.

I've wanted with tomatoes and green olives, so I cut in half the tomatoes seasoned with oregano and olive oil fleur de sel and I've embedded (like say Bonci, as if they were diamonds) together with the olives into the dough and let rise for 1 hour tuttto.

then turn on the oven when it reaches the maximum temperature and the heat we put first cake at the bottom for 15 m 'then the last approximately 10 m' at the top.

focaccia bonci

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