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150 grams whole milk 100 g fresh cream
80 g sugar 4 egg yolks
50g dark chocolate 70%
6 gr of isinglass
50 grams of hazelnut paste *
300 g of fresh cream semimontata
a pastry disc / disc biscuit
Prepare the custard: Bring the cream to boil with milk. Far hydrate the gelatin in water fredda.Con a stir quickly whip the egg yolks with sugar and pour hot liquids. Let the cream reach a temperature of 82 ° C, add the squeezed gelatine and hazelnut paste. Stir it securely and fill in with the finely chopped chocolate or carefully melted in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Sift the cream and bring down the temperature about 35 ° C. Semimontare the cream and pour a spoonful of cream to thin it slightly. Then, finish pouring the cream in the center of the bowl containing the cream and mix-down.
Preparing the dessert
Take a tray, covered with film, or acetate and place the center in a strip of metal approximately 20 cm. Within the band, to join a rectangle acetate of the same height of the band will di avere un bordo ben liscio ed uniforme. A questo punto, deporre un disco di pasta frolla cotta in precedenza oppure un disco di biscuit che servirà da base alla crema. Versare la crema sino al bordo e far prendere consistenza in freezer.
Al momento, sformare il dolce sul piatto da portata, eliminare l'acetato e procedere alla decorazione. In questo caso, è stata fatta con:
due cucchiai di glassa neutra a freddo
un cucchiaino di cacao amaro in polvere
una stecca di cannella
riso blown chocolate
chocolate decorations
Sift cocoa over the cake so irregolare.Velare with a brush dipped in icing of the cake and decorate the surface with the elements listed above. If you want, with your own imagination.