say that my return on these pages is definitive ...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Hp Pavilion T3000 Drivers
say that my return on these pages is definitive ...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Best Budget Receivers
150 grams whole milk 100 g fresh cream
80 g sugar 4 egg yolks
50g dark chocolate 70%
6 gr of isinglass
50 grams of hazelnut paste *
300 g of fresh cream semimontata
a pastry disc / disc biscuit
Prepare the custard: Bring the cream to boil with milk. Far hydrate the gelatin in water fredda.Con a stir quickly whip the egg yolks with sugar and pour hot liquids. Let the cream reach a temperature of 82 ° C, add the squeezed gelatine and hazelnut paste. Stir it securely and fill in with the finely chopped chocolate or carefully melted in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Sift the cream and bring down the temperature about 35 ° C. Semimontare the cream and pour a spoonful of cream to thin it slightly. Then, finish pouring the cream in the center of the bowl containing the cream and mix-down.
Preparing the dessert
Take a tray, covered with film, or acetate and place the center in a strip of metal approximately 20 cm. Within the band, to join a rectangle acetate of the same height of the band will di avere un bordo ben liscio ed uniforme. A questo punto, deporre un disco di pasta frolla cotta in precedenza oppure un disco di biscuit che servirà da base alla crema. Versare la crema sino al bordo e far prendere consistenza in freezer.
Al momento, sformare il dolce sul piatto da portata, eliminare l'acetato e procedere alla decorazione. In questo caso, è stata fatta con:
due cucchiai di glassa neutra a freddo
un cucchiaino di cacao amaro in polvere
una stecca di cannella
riso blown chocolate
chocolate decorations
Sift cocoa over the cake so irregolare.Velare with a brush dipped in icing of the cake and decorate the surface with the elements listed above. If you want, with your own imagination.
And then I wish ... Enjoy this sweet and thanks Pinella!!