These biscuits are heavenly! Eh .. yes! I tried to make the base of the cake heaven and then I garnish with berries .. what say? A delicacy!
I used one of the many molds that Silikomart sent me .. (more precisely this ) and take this opportunity to thank them for the cooperation they have given me .. molds already know them but I must say that every time I remain stunned!

For donuts: 2 eggs 150 g butter 150 g
icing sugar 200 grams of rice flour
100 grams of potato starch 1 cup of milk
1 tablespoon baking
For the filling:
jam berries
berries (even frozen)
Beat cream butter with sugar and add the eggs, then the rice flour and starch, milk, and finally i lievito. Versare l’impasto nell’apposito stampo e cuocere a 180 gradi per 20 minuti. Una volta raffreddate sformare e cospargere di zucchero a velo.
Mettere al centro della ciambellina un cucchiaino di marmellata e completare con i frutti di bosco a piacere.

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