Friday, November 6, 2009

How To Get Rid Of A Rash On My Face

silanes Picnic in the woods ...

few days ago I went to Calabria, in the area of \u200b\u200bCamigliatello Silano, a small town really nice .. pity about the poor weather, because the scenery was very beautiful and deserved long walks ...

We also visited a farm that had a farm and produced meats and cheeses ..

and the market area full of typical products:

Inspired by landscapes and mountain traditions once came home with the loot, I ventured in the preparation of:

noodles mushrooms, sausage and walnuts

I have been inspired by a recipe from a cooking magazine a bit 'of years ago, slightly revised.

per le tagliatelle
500 g farina bianca,
1 uovo,
acqua q.b.
per il condimento:
300 gr di funghi porcini e di altro tipo (non ricordo il nome ma sono quelli rosa nella foto)
250 gr di salsiccia fresca
vino bianco,
sale e pepe,
Noci tritate

Impastare la farina con l’uovo e l’acqua. Lavorare fino a ottenere una pasta liscia, molto soda,che si farà poi riposare per 30 minuti. Stenderla in una sfoglia non troppo sottile, infarinarla leggermente, ripiegarla tagliare who leave the noodles dry on a floured board. Meanwhile prepare the conbdimento: After cleaning thoroughly, slice the mushrooms. Remove skin from sausage, crumble and cook in a frying pan very hot, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Deglaze with white wine and add the peeled garlic and cook over high heat until the wine has evaporated. Add the mushrooms, salt, pepper, and cook over low heat with the lid.
Cook the pasta, cooked and toss in pan with the sauce. Finally, drizzle with a little olive oil, chopped parsley and a handful of chopped walnuts.

With this recipe I participate to the beautiful collection of Solidea Ale and mushroom recipes


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