Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cervical Discharge At Conception

bundles of eggplant with tomato , buffalo mozzarella and smoked

smoked ricotta ... and scents of the south

Well this summer my dad went to Calabria, and as usual happens in each of his journey, is full of local delicacies, then we share generously and taste with a dinner organized in every detail.
addition to sauces features as the main ingredient in the chili peppers in any form: ground, powdered, whole, spicy olives, led a very interesting and just smoked ricotta I've used it today.
I gathered some ideas, some ingredients that I remember the smells of the South and ......

bundles of eggplant with tomato, mozzarella and smoked

2 grossa melanzane
10 pomodori rossi ramati
1 carota
1 cipolla
2 acciughe
qualche cappero dissalato
parmiggiano reggiano
4 uova
farina OO e farina di semola di grano duro
2 mozzarelle di bufala
basilico fresco
ricotta affumicata stagionata

Preparare un sugo di pomodoro mettendo nella padella cipolla, carota, pomodori tutto a pezzi e qualche foglia di basilico. A termine cottura passare il tutto con il passaverdura e bollire ancora per far restringere il sugo.
Lavare le melanzane, cut them in half lengthwise, place in a baking pan with parchment paper and the pits in the pulp and bake for 20 m 'in about a preheated oven, let cool in oven with the oven off.
Prepare a dough with 3 / 4 OO flour and 1 / 4 of semolina flour and eggs.
Remove the meat with eggplant, put it in a blender with anchovies, capers and crushed a little Parmesan.

Cut the pastry into large square, the center put a teaspoon of filling and a cube of mozzarella di bufala. Close the dumplings: combine the four points of the square and seal.

Throw the pasta in salted water for several minutes, pour a few tablespoons of tomato sauce,

Serve with a slice of buffalo mozzarella, grated over the dumplings and smoked ricotta.


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