Baccalà o Stoccafisso?
"Il baccalà è il merluzzo bianco ( Gadus morhua e storione del mar baltico, pesce dal corpo affusolato presente nei mari del Nord) conservato sotto sale ; lo stoccafisso (o stocco in alcune zone dell' Italia meridionale ) è merluzzo artico norvegese (Gadus morhua) conservato per essiccazione , simile al baccalà but has a completely different flavor, in northern Italy often these two names identify the same fish. "says Wikipedia.
Well apart from these discussions the other day I got a nice piece of cod from fishmonger actually know how to desalinate? E ' a very long procedure that requires soaking in water for 2 / 3 days changing the water several times, usually when I take the fish are taken to prepare it for the evening or at least the day after, so the cod does not attract me very much. But my fishmonger, that holy man, had already soaked so I took it willingly. And then look what I made ... excellent for children too, for that matter anything fried (sweet, meat, fish, vegetables, ...) is all still delicious, just the ingredients and the oil are of comparable quality.
codfish fritters
a large piece of cod
3 slices of sandwich loaf
a bunch chives salt
garlic pepper oil for frying
I skinned and bones that I could take off, I then steamed with 3 / 4 cloves garlic, peeled and split in half to 15 m 'around.
I then spent all the mixer with a few slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbread soaked in milk and wrung out, all adjusted with salt and pepper and I put together a nice bunch of chives.
then I made the meatballs a little crushed and I floured.
I then fried it into a pan with oil extravrgine olive oil and various seeds.
then I served it all with a nice salad.
I then spent all the mixer with a few slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbread soaked in milk and wrung out, all adjusted with salt and pepper and I put together a nice bunch of chives.
then I made the meatballs a little crushed and I floured.
I then fried it into a pan with oil extravrgine olive oil and various seeds.
then I served it all with a nice salad.
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