Bis Happy Birthday Grandma!
And Sunday was the birthday of my grandmother and Riviera celebrated his grandfather. Grandma Angie is the mother of my dad and great-grandmother has become for the first time this year with the birth of my puppy.
Today we all gathered and we celebrated ... and then
Today we all gathered and we celebrated ... and then
E che compleanno sarebbe senza torta?
Ingredienti Pan di spagna leggero di Pinella :
115 g tuorli
125 g albumi
25 g fecola
25 g farina
25 g cacao
50 g burro
20 + 100 zucchero
1 cucchiaino di lievito
Ingredienti per la crema chantilly a modo mio:
500 ml latte intero
130 g zucchero
20 g fecola
40 g farina
1 bacca di vaniglia
cioccolato a scaglie
250 ml di panna fresca
1 busta di pannafix
And let's enjoy the cake!
Ingredienti Pan di spagna leggero di Pinella :
115 g tuorli
125 g albumi
25 g fecola
25 g farina
25 g cacao
50 g burro
20 + 100 zucchero
1 cucchiaino di lievito
Ho fatto il pan di spagna usando 1 dose e mezza e aggiungendo 1 cucchaino di lievito, che non there in the original recipe. Fabulous result.
little Whisk the yolks, add 100 g of sugar and fit gently until mixture is light and fluffy. Beat the egg whites until stiff with 20 g of sugar.
Take 1 tablespoon of egg whites and lightens the yolks, then pour in the egg yolks, stirring gently from bottom to top, without removing the compound.
Sift flour, starch and yeast and add to mixture. Melt the butter and when รจ freddo, mescolarlo ad un cucchiaio di composto e poi unire tutto insieme, mescolando sempre con attenzione. Imburrare ed infarinare una teglia quadrata e cuocere a 160°C per 20 m'.
little Whisk the yolks, add 100 g of sugar and fit gently until mixture is light and fluffy. Beat the egg whites until stiff with 20 g of sugar.
Take 1 tablespoon of egg whites and lightens the yolks, then pour in the egg yolks, stirring gently from bottom to top, without removing the compound.
Sift flour, starch and yeast and add to mixture. Melt the butter and when รจ freddo, mescolarlo ad un cucchiaio di composto e poi unire tutto insieme, mescolando sempre con attenzione. Imburrare ed infarinare una teglia quadrata e cuocere a 160°C per 20 m'.
Ingredienti per la crema chantilly a modo mio:
500 ml latte intero
130 g zucchero
20 g fecola
40 g farina
1 bacca di vaniglia
cioccolato a scaglie
250 ml di panna fresca
1 busta di pannafix
Preparare una classica crema mescolando i tuorli con lo zucchero, unendo la farina e starch and with a whip in motion to add the hot milk paino pine (inside with the vanilla bean). Cook the cream until it thickens, do not boil.
Outputs a cream soda that we will do very cool.
Whip the cream with a bag of pannafix and keep refrigerated.
Cut the sponge cake in half, insert the below into the pan used (covered with transparent paper to facilitate to escape from the mold), add the cream with the cream, stirring gently and put whipped cream on the sponge, add the chocolate chips and seal with the other sponge cake.
Chill for several hours.
Outputs a cream soda that we will do very cool.
Whip the cream with a bag of pannafix and keep refrigerated.
Cut the sponge cake in half, insert the below into the pan used (covered with transparent paper to facilitate to escape from the mold), add the cream with the cream, stirring gently and put whipped cream on the sponge, add the chocolate chips and seal with the other sponge cake.
Chill for several hours.
Take the sugar paste ( I I had already prepared either pink or white), roll and coat the cake completely. Create a large serrated knife incisions like a quilt, the small holes will be obtained widened slightly with a toothpick. Make the dough with the pink ribbon and a bouquet of flowers, add the years: as many as 81!
And let's enjoy the cake!
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