Monday, June 15, 2009

Mri Liver Kidney Swollen

nutella tart and meringue to amaretti

Era da tanto che non facevo una torta dal momento che la want to mix disappeared with the arrival of summer .. the fact is that a few days ago I was asked by my family to make a tart and thinking about it I went to take a recipe that I printed long ago but I had not yet prepared .. the result was sublime! This is the
nutella tart with meringue macaroons to of Ara and Coco .. Francesca knew that I was in a barrel of iron, but I was amazed by the taste of this sweet .. I'll recommend it!

I leave the recipe verbatim .. I have not changed anything!
Ingredients: 400 gr
. flour
200 gr. di burro
2 tuorli
1 uovo intero
1 bustina di lievito
150 gr. di zucchero
3 albumi
1 vasetto medio di nutella
150 gr. di amaretti
150 di mandorle
80 gr. di zucchero
Preparare la frolla amalgamando la farina con il burro e zucchero fino a renderlo sabbioso, aggiungere i 2 tuorli e l'uovo intero infine il lievito.
Mentre preparariamo il ripieno riponiano la pasta frolla nel frigo.
Tritare gli amaretti insieme alle mandorle e zucchero in un robot da cucina.
Stendere la frolla sulla carta forno bagnata e strizzata bucherellando the bottom.
Place the Nutella pasta frolla.Montare steadfast add the egg whites until the mixture of amaretto and almonds gently to prevent the unmount and place on the nutella.
oven at 180 ° C for 30/35 min. or until they become a nice golden color.
Thanks Francesca!


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