Saturday, October 30, 2010

Danish Dough Whiskwholesale

Trick or treat??
Perhaps the ghost .... a sweet heart

One American tradition that now has found "home" here too.
carved pumpkins, cookies with faces monstrous spider cakes, chocolate hats ..... candles, terrifying shadows, cobwebs .... costumes, ghosts, witches and skeletons ... for a night of fear: trick or treat??

It has become the party of children, but next to a beautiful tradition almost carnival, we discover a shameful and horrible, and I will make an appeal that goes beyond our world of foodblogger: protect cats BLACKS !!

picture from the web

These poor animals, which oltrettutto are beautiful, it seems to be used for esoteric rites or revels in the macabre Halloween . Luckily just in some cities la notte di Halloween vengono organizzate ronde di volontari per proteggere questi felini; infatti, sembra che la richiesta di gatti neri prima del 31 ottobre, da alcuni anni sia aumentata esponenzialmente e pare che dopo i gatti vengano abbandonati, spesso in condizioni pietose.

Una Sacher spettrale

Ingredienti per il pan di spagna (ricetta Austriaca):
1 bustina di lievito per dolci 1 bustina di vanillina 100 g tuorli d'uovo albumi montati a neve
150 g miele di acacia
150 g zucchero a velo

150 g butter 250 g dark chocolate 70%
100 g almond flour
20 g cake flour 50 g OO

Far citura: 1 / 2 jar of jam Apricot Glaze

50 g honey

250 ml cream 150 g dark chocolate 85%

For the ghost of sugar paste: 250 g icing sugar sugar icing taste 25 g honey 3 / 4 drops of water 15 g egg white (about 1 / 2 white)

Mix the sugar paste, lavorarala on a plane with baking paper, until no longer sticky. Refrigerate for at least 1 / 2 hour.
Whisk together the melted butter, powdered sugar and honey, in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture that resembles a salve. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and when cooled add it to the butter mixture. Sift together the flour (except the almonds), baking powder and vanilla, add to the mixture and then add the ground almonds. Last put the egg whites until stiff. Bake at 18th ° C for 45 m '.

Cut the sponge cake in half and fill with apricot cofettura.
Meanwhile, soak the chocolate, cream and honey poured over cake and refrigerate for 1 / 2 hour, with the remaining cooled chocolate Sacher write with the help of a pastry bag.

Prepare the dressing for the Sacher, sotttilmente spreading sugar paste with a little icing eyes and good Halloween everyone!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cheap, Cute Camera Bags- Nikon D90

A little angel .... named Samuel

In these moments, words are always trivial, obvious and empty ...... hello Samuel .

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cervical Discharge At Conception

bundles of eggplant with tomato , buffalo mozzarella and smoked

smoked ricotta ... and scents of the south

Well this summer my dad went to Calabria, and as usual happens in each of his journey, is full of local delicacies, then we share generously and taste with a dinner organized in every detail.
addition to sauces features as the main ingredient in the chili peppers in any form: ground, powdered, whole, spicy olives, led a very interesting and just smoked ricotta I've used it today.
I gathered some ideas, some ingredients that I remember the smells of the South and ......

bundles of eggplant with tomato, mozzarella and smoked

2 grossa melanzane
10 pomodori rossi ramati
1 carota
1 cipolla
2 acciughe
qualche cappero dissalato
parmiggiano reggiano
4 uova
farina OO e farina di semola di grano duro
2 mozzarelle di bufala
basilico fresco
ricotta affumicata stagionata

Preparare un sugo di pomodoro mettendo nella padella cipolla, carota, pomodori tutto a pezzi e qualche foglia di basilico. A termine cottura passare il tutto con il passaverdura e bollire ancora per far restringere il sugo.
Lavare le melanzane, cut them in half lengthwise, place in a baking pan with parchment paper and the pits in the pulp and bake for 20 m 'in about a preheated oven, let cool in oven with the oven off.
Prepare a dough with 3 / 4 OO flour and 1 / 4 of semolina flour and eggs.
Remove the meat with eggplant, put it in a blender with anchovies, capers and crushed a little Parmesan.

Cut the pastry into large square, the center put a teaspoon of filling and a cube of mozzarella di bufala. Close the dumplings: combine the four points of the square and seal.

Throw the pasta in salted water for several minutes, pour a few tablespoons of tomato sauce,

Serve with a slice of buffalo mozzarella, grated over the dumplings and smoked ricotta.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Polyp On Outside Of Gallbladder

braids seed bread

braids seed bread

Unfortunately yesterday the computer has a tantrum and to celebrate worthily the WBD I thought to propose a braided bread seeds (Hopefully now works!) Recovered from an old issue of Italian Cooking.
This year I have a really great ally and a long dreamed it, now I can finally say I've got KM020 Kenwood Chef Major Titanium and I can assure you that the mixes are superlative, soft, homogeneous and judge for yourself!

braids seed bread

Ingredients: 500 g flour
speciale per pizza
150 g latte
15 g lievito di birra
80 g burro
3 tuorli
1 uovo per spennellare
40 g zucchero
15 g sale
semi di papavero
semi di sesamo

Fare un primo impasto: 200 g di farina, il lievito di birra, 50 g di latte e 50 g di acqua, formare un panetto che verrà inciso con una croce e messo a lievitare finchè raddoppierà di volume.
Fare il secodo impasto: mettere nell'impastatrice la restante farina, melted butter, egg yolks, sugar, salt and launch, as the loaf and add the remaining milk slowly, the mixture to rise about 1 hour and then make 2 braids.
Brush braids with egg and a little milk, sprinkle with poppy seeds and sesame seeds, I added a few pieces of red pepper to flavor, then let rise again.

Bake at 200 ° C for about 30-40 minutes, if you were to darken too much cover with top half a bit of aluminum foil.

Once cooked, the result is this, I wanted to show the "eyes" of the mix as well as a Yeasting optimal, is certainly on the dough that I got the Kenwood Chef .

This braided bread is my tribute to the World Bread Day

Friday, October 15, 2010

B2b Introduction Letter



What about girls compliments from now on I will follow faithfully. ... through Elga I can say that I too will be your supporter .... great good luck !!!!!

this autumn is really beautiful and interesting! Wow you really are a great team! Bravissimo

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hugh Jackman Vitiligo

"Maybe that cheese .... 'noisette

A publication unexpected !!!!!

The I unfortunately have not been good, I have not kept the promise ... are still missing but the excuse is my small Riviera, now nearly 6 months, is very good but still committed my days. Now we are struggling with weaning, I thought it was easier, but to switch from milk to food is a business.
Although our pediatrician, associated with new philosophies in pediatrics, we did not start weaning in the classic way (but we can give to all that there is little on the table, provided it is not fried, greasy, fat) we encounter some difficulties .... we hope to resolve them.

Riviera grows well

and I hope that from now on I'll find a few minutes to write again.
Meanwhile, I will tell you that I have done a nice gift, so it all began:
participate in the contest "Grana Padano in the kitchen of my house", organized by Le Tamerici, which expired in late summer 2009, the request was a recipe that had the protagonist as Grana Padano and was linked to the territory.
Unfortunately I did not win the contest but a very welcome gift I have done, la pubblicazione della mia ricetta insieme alle altre che hanno colpito di più la giuria.
Quindi nel maggio 2010 nasce il libro "Magari un che di Formaggio" all'interno si ritrovano le ricette più originali e che hanno meritato una selezione e menzione.

Polentine di Grana Padano con porcini al profumo di tartufo e millefoglie di cotechino

sausage 1 medium size
500 g Grana Padano Riserva
250g cornmeal for polenta 1 liter of water

5 / 6 mushrooms fresh parsley

1bicchiere prosecco

1 clove garlic 2 tablespoons truffle oil

Slice the mushrooms, you have first brushed to remove the earth brown in frying pan with a clove 'poached garlic, which were then removed, and a drizzle of olive oil.
Blend with the sparkling wine and finish with a sprinkling of parsley. Once cold spray with truffle oil.
Boil one liter of water, add salt and the flour of maize, stirring constantly with a whisk. Cook the polenta and just before you put out the fire stir in 300 g Grana Padano. Place the polenta in some silicone molds previously wet with water.
Cook sausage in large amounts of water wrapped in a bag suitable for cooking without grassi.Lasciare rope sausage out of the bag that will close, leaving the space of a finger. The cooking is about 2 hours, but you can feel its consistency while cooking.
prepared with the remaining parmesan wafers alternating with a few slices of pork sausage, crumbled on the other slices of the mushrooms. Serve
the polentine, mushrooms with crumbled sausage and sausage slices alternating with all the pods with a little sprinkling of Grana Padano.