Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Make Surfboard Wax

Reminder # 17

Amici amici e poi ti rubano la bici...o l'autostima:

"dai siamo amici me lo puoi dire..."
"nono...meglio di no"
"che bastardo...perché non vuoi essere sincero con me!"
"no, tu vuoi solo i complimenti"
"si è vero, vero fra?"
"e...un poco eh"
"ma che stronzi! i complimenti me li faccio così per ridere, insomma non è che davvero mi sento la migliore di tutti....dai..."
"perchè stai annuendo allora?"
"riflesso condizionato scusa."
"vedi come
six ...." "but it is not true, there is also when I write .... and I praise you understand that there is ironic is not it?"
"but I know that you are ..."
"Oh my God I have become hated by ALL OH MY GOD"
"mannòòòò not hate them but there is"
"last six unnatural"
"for mugs Canalis? by dint of imitating my mother are transformed "
" I have a low blood sugar francesca me a compliment "
" You're sexy! "
" but you see where sex is not all wrong "
" but we know ? I know that is not sexy, I seem Ciccio, even Grandma Duck, Ciccio. "
" you're sexy if you shut up sometimes "
" ah, the problem now is when I start to talk? "
" Yes, fuck you. "
" and I thought it was my strong my nice talking! "
" ninth, less talk and more boobs "
" but I thought it was a different kind of woman! I thought to be a mixture of cuteness and intelligentsia, I thought that my quotes were sexy "
" no. "
" NO?? "
" not interested in your gab. "
" but .. but .. but I believe a word that is in addition to the tits there's more ...."
"but ... but .... but I'm sorry but I thought that people would speak to me because they are also a little funny, is that we speak well with me "
" no. We're glad if you put necklines, period. "
" but .... but .... but .... but I thought we were friends .... sorry .... but now that there are caste I do not speak out? "
" hahahahahahahahaahahahahah "
" you're also getting old for that matter "
" What do you think I will not be noticed? ten minutes ago I was in the bathroom to give life advice TO ONE OF 20 YEARS, and I have 22 "
" but he looks ... "
"that puppy Among others, we heard it on port"
"it is true that tenderness, I two years ago I was not so naive .... would uscire con uno di 26 anni ma pensa sia troppo grande"
"sì, ho riso anche io e come una vecchia gloria dei bordelli le ho detto -Ma tessssoro io all'età tua uscivo con gente de' quaranta-"
"cazzo che bei ricordi...."
"cavoli si."
"ma voi due non state bene eh..."
"da giovane uscivi con i vecchi ora devi buttarti sui teen"
"si chi sono la mamma di Stifler? "
"ma non hai davvero 35 anni!!!"
"ah already true! "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Immunovex Clinical Trials

Why do great in the years when you can accomplish them wholesale?

Care dear readers and hopelessly few readers who follow me,
today is a day of peace and harmony ,
an important day,
a day on which it is worth to wish,
buy flowers,
gift jewelry,
a day when all thoughts are whirling toward a single thought,
a day when all the sighs of 'love, happiness and beauty run to be one big living
a day when men and women make peace , adults and children, sisters, and horses are all happy to agree to think about one thing ...
The celebration of women?
Yes, your favorite curls as always there has the ace up his sleeve now and then you feel special because I think it is special!
What a beauty!
Every year my father has uprooted a tree of mimosa and other flowers at random to get in the room when he knows that I hate MIMOSE and because of my relationship with my BFF-osmosis have also become allergic.
Thank you Father!
Miraccomando! Like every year bought the Saint Honoré is the cake that I hate most in the world along with millesfoglie, which then 'ste always know one thousand sheets of cardboard.
I started celebrating yesterday, the Japanese, Koreans cheating on the whole will.
Yes and yes Koreans were all at will is a fake.
We have trimmed a kilo of rice, half of which inexplicably ended up in the stock of his most clever.
From them the good wishes have become vodkas vodkas in greetings and best wishes in dancing in the streets of downtown Milan.
Spend the first morning of the 22-year Metro-Bugnasco and something-a TUNA pick for the restaurant the friend has no price, try to understand the difference between the Sardinian dumplings from 3 cm or 1 you back exactly between the sixth and seventh vodka when you said:
"I maaa uuuuuuu I'm fine just shines tomorrow I'll be a fairy tale "

When I looked at the department of fish the salmon eye to eye I remembered the Japanese the night before and a turbulent vortex intercostal me has attacked.
While Martha, like a good mother, is the case of Metro fiscalissima I wander the corridors covered with tall of food in big portions, the step from there to the lane of the Bible is short and the Bible comes to alcohol and the green hills turn into green bottles of vodka and mint.
Exit the Metro, some fool has put down a bowl of sweet onions, are scattered everywhere and the smell is strong, very strong.
I resisted the department of fish with onions, but I can not resist.
the onions I can not fight.
I run to the car like this:

I go home, are in the metro, the red one this time.
Apparently no one wants me to sit, you bastards is my birthday and you have to lift all if I want.
can put it if I want to cry, but I do not know if it's because today, the vodka or video crazy to me on FB are posting to greet me, in fact today I feel powerful, I feel like Kanye West at the MTV awards, I think I win, I want everything are beautiful and cheeky style and shit that I have.
Kanye is your last album I want to eat it every day for breakfast but also your most antiquated stuff, you've always been a badass I also want to walk the cheeky, I mean even I touching the sky with a finger and have the top of the top
The women are right now I should not talk about men, you are right as I only ever talk about me and my fantastic person, but every now and then let the world breathe inzomma.
Arrival to the Panda with my walk "to Kanye" c'è il sole, ho ancora il mal di stomaco ma ora riesco a controllarlo a mio piacimento, non ho la faccia neanche tanto gialla.
Entro in Panda e in radio parte la canzone del giorno direi (scusa Kanye)
La dolce Willow Smith con "21st Century Girl" che non è certo come l'imbattibile "Whip my hair" ma ci ha comunque il suo stile.

Vedi Willow, una giovane promessa del rap come me invecchia mentre tu stai sbocciando come una rosa a maggio!
Si Willow mi ricorda molto la giovane Elena. soltanto che lei è meglio.
Mi piace pensare che la precocissima Willow si sia ispirata a Marc Bolan che con i T rex tuonava "21 century boy" , cavoli Willow che riferimenti ci hai!!!!
Cavoli Willow ti amo, dimmi che è così ti prego, sii la mia nuova icona di riferimento, non mi da fastidio che tu sia più giovane e più nera me, I am a great believer in talent!
How nice it would be a world where girls are inspired by the T rex?
That girl you're Willow fantastic, fantastic.
Ok great but now just because we have forgotten that it is MY BIRTHDAY IS NOT YOUR OWN, SO DO NOT FARMI begins to cry.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Bread Pudding In California


Hey but that you "talk talk" your collections do not ever?
sisi But I thought this kind last year and is inspired to insects.
Insects are the most beautiful animals in the world.

OH but beautiful Elena, crazy! digital prints, the nuances, and strips of metal!

Of course she is my inspiration

handsome everything nice .... but a moment ....
while I ended my sketches in May 2010 What I see .....

Yes, Christopher Kane and his resort collection.
's why I hate that, because mi ruba tutte le idee.
L'ispirazione non è ovviamente la stessa ma lo stile e l'uso delle stampe si.
Ascolta ti devi levare dalle scatole, io ancora mi devo laureare, ho bisogno di essere innovativa dajè Chri come sei, come ti ho già detto tu hai Donatella Versace io non ho niente e nessuno ho solo i miei insettini...
Dai ti prego e fammi fare qualcosa ogni tanto non tapparmi così le ali gelosone!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sand Rail Tattoo Outlines

There are more CD players figured out the candles, my blog is one year old!

Today, March 1, 2011 is the first birthday of this blog!
Yes, you do not know how, but we're still here!
someone up there obviously was jealous and decided to link this data to a bad event in the family, but that's okay, do not give up that Mariani will never give up.
Mariani No one can put in a corner!
"There are more CD players figured love " despite long as bleak, sad, without hope is still here and we love you more and more.
A year ago I was just a sweet country girl who sought his place in the world, such as Britney Spears in "Crossroads
" In this regard I would remind you that film is one of the most beautiful ugly absolute.

Yes, I was like Britney!
ammore so I had to give and so many bad jokes to be given along with many kg to lose, a perfect combination! This year I met
many people, I have cemented friendships, loved, left, beat girls, were beaten in France, I fell I peeled my knees, I fought, ate, ate a little less crying because they eat much less, started to eat as much, cut hair, regrow hair, traveling, swimming at night, Madonna danced, sweated so much, bought drugs, bought CDs, bought books, crying because of the cold, crying because of the too warm, singing in the car, vomited out of the car, walked a lot, so concerts, discovered new groups, kissed friends, lost and found necklace, after so many TV series, praised Sky, opened a dozen social USELESS, sung, drawn to time, scritto tanto,
iniziare a scrivere non solo per me , tantissime parole e un sacco di pianti.


Con una somma di esperienze del genere alla tenera età di 22 anni (tra sette giorni) sono già stanca morta.

Da quando i Pesci devono vivere tutte queste emozioni?
Paolo Fox mi hai mentito ancora?

Volevo ringraziarvi tutti, chi mi segue, chi mi commenta, chi pensa che non ci ho il talento, chi pensa che sono una BiMbA MiNkIa <3,>
chi pensa che non è merito mio, chi pensa che guardo troppa TV, chi mi ha dato fiducia, chi si fa quattro risate (voi siete i migliori), chi arriva a questo blog digitando (cito) Ragazze formose nude " " Cameriere che lo prendono urlando " " Esiste un porno di Harry Potter? " " Pietro Taricone è morto davvero? " "l 'amore porno " " bad niggers "and last but not least appreciated" women ass cum "
sexually confused friends Yes, I love you too!
Do you have favorite places?
I obviously:

1) HERE is the first post I written where I mention women of great inspiration as Monicona Lewinsky e concludo con una grande perla di saggezza alla fine (quanto-mi-amo)

2) QUI è dove ho scritto la lettera per i Mum, beata giovinezza!

3) QUI è quando spiego alle donne e agli uomini che i rapporti sono una sbatta e che io sono Jennifer Lopez.

4) QUI è dove paragono l'amore alla dieta ed è sicuramente il più riuscito e ci credo ancora tantissimo.

5) QUI è dove scendo in Calabria per Natale e capisco tutto il grande senso della mia vita, un pò come i segreti di Fatima insomma.

Sì, lo so che non dovrebbe essere l'autore ad esaltarsi per primo ma io vi sto dando solo qualche dritta, nè?
Dai quindi andiamo avanti-riiiiidiiiii pagliaaaaaccio- e speriamo ci sia sempre tanto di cui parlare sennò mi annoio, resterò per sempre una.....

(paragone azzardato, non me ne frega niente, l'ho visto l'altro giorno ho pianto come una capra, sono io)

Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Comfort Herpes

Chistopher Kane or how to choose their own mentors in a wrong way.

Il tour della Fashion Week mondiale non è ancora finito ma io ho deciso che alzo le mani e qui mi fermo.
Mi ritiro, ormai prendo la degree and everything is fine but next year I moved to the mountains to dig the earth and make jam of plums of our land.
This is because there are people like Christopher Kane, people who have less than 30 years and has collections like this:

Christopher Thanks you make me feel worse as the ignorant, the designer of the world with less fantasy, you make me feel helpless, with no money, I do remember that I have to print out the tissues, but no one will come out then I will support a collection of beautiful home!
Thanks Christopher that make me crazy because you added to your clothes PVC with colored water.
Thanks Christopher glad that you wanted to pull even in Milan with his collection of Versus by Versace.

A collection of crazy Where you fuck all those returning together, the purple with red, green oil with orange.
Fuck the color blocking!
You'll fuck the biggest and you show me these things here, the black skin, the opening game and scream I WANT MY GOD THE GLITTER IN THE WORLD, THE GLITTER GIOMETRICI!
No excuse the screaming, sorry.

It is your mentor Donatella Versace, who will also be a fake blonde with the behind many imitations and a daughter anorexic but it is Donatella Versace.
How many times we had to dream of being the daughter anorexic, how many!
Your mentor is Donatella Versace.
I still Pino Scotto .

Pino take a picture with you was one of the best moments of my life.
No, I want to ruin a moment.
Pino Scotto great addition to my other great icon, as the Countess De Blanck who made his appearance to the 'Island of the famous "My only reason for follow him.

I remember in the famous romance with Carlo Capponi , man that suffering from "bulimia banana"

Yeah, I was very young but already famous that I have to say?
Of course I thought I would be going at this rate I also get to know Kathy ....
What is the design his own collection when there is a talent like that?
Pino, Ms. De Blanck I invoke you, pray for me!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lien/loan Reported On Used Car

Fashion passes the blog remains, with eight video apology and an excuse

blog I'm sorry I'm calculating a little but you must understand that I do it for us!
Come on! I tell you that there is no one!
Mann VITAMINIC 's just not working!
oh Come on, you have to trust we are not so many that I could remain and Mr. Vitaminic in drafting and heavy bombs on the desk ...
But I'm smiling like the idea? But joke was a joke blog A joke!
I am doing it for us, is a training course of some of the best NABA my love, you are the first true love.
clarifications to the blog I had to excuse me, if they are worth almost a year now report and I'm just like the fake singing voice of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air:

Eeee lo so Willy, siamo rimaste in poche così esageratamente speciali.
Ma cerchiamo di riassumere questa mia transumanza da un sito all'altro, dalla presenza all'assenza, dalla vita alla morte.
Questa settimana sono stata molto impegnata, si anche per colpa degli esami ma soprattutto per colpa di Sanremo.
Sanremo ha reso le mie sere memorabili e divertentissime grazie a tutta la gente che lo commenta su twitter in particular, the group Sanremo Sanremo .
E 'was great.
A nice thanks to Hurley who was always very funny, thanks Eli, thanks Sardinia, thanks in hairstylist Canalis, with cocaine.
Belen won was obviously the coolest and since it was not enough he also wanted to sing with his father as all Italians emigrated to Argentina and the Argentines emigrated to Italy have cried.
Last week was Valentine's Day and I have great fucking going to hear the concert of the evening at the Rocket.
Evening is the group of red Vivian Girl that sets aside the original garage-surf band and throws in sweet melodies that are more ethereal and dreamy spring the paintings of Monet.

The live was very nice, very sanvalentiano except that:
a) the sound of the voice was pitiable "Eddaje alzalo! alzalooooo noise!"
b) to indie Rocket are the same for years, I were not welcome back 2007!
A nice blast from the past, literally.

Paris Hilton turns 30 today.
Paris is appropriate to make a new album I guess.
It 'really the case, I miss you so much.
With your songs you have given hope to millions of obese Americans and pimples, have revived the May of the century film set in high school, is a genius.

Lately I've been trying to watch several videos of fashion (EEE EEEE ELENA THAT FATIGUE?) To get an idea I would like to make my own for my collection
IS THE PHARD Lord called me and I have proposed creating a collection inspired by MY BIG BUBBLE!
No, obviously not true, however, as you know that idea is not bad?
For now, those who approach the type of video you would like to have:

Proenza Oh well, I want to die.
The vintage-Beautiful-and first initials of the music?

Missoni I never liked it but the video?
If we cut the parts with the children unnecessarily sweet?
The fringes that move? the intermittent?

Gareth Pugh, if hello.
The wonderful thing is that video of her clothes on, you will not even so much shit, is all that is a heart attack.

Elle Fanning for Rodarte
colors, space and music?
and you?

short video of the operetta fashion are not bad eh?
for now I have not even picked the fabric and then to hell with the collection, what has maggggica fashion?

L'ultimo video rubato dal blog amico La Belle Epop riguarda il nuovo album dei Radiohead "The King of Limbs"
Sì, recentemente c'è stato dell'isterismo su tutti i social e tutti hanno dato di matto, hanno scaricato, volato, prenotato il nuovo album dei Radiohead ma l'unica cosa che davvero ci dovrebbe interessare è Thom York che balla nel nuovo video "Lotus Flower".
Ma l'unica versione che ci dovrebbe interessare di Thom York che balla è questa:

The own madness, the madness .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Diposal Of Sanitary Napkin Signage

The painful history of the Iron and Wine concert in Bologna

was some time since we were preparing for the
concertone of Iron and Wine in Bologna.
Yes, we have prepared. No
who cares the new disc.
The new disc is also not so nice, nor
. I say the
preparation travel:
Hotel booked, tickets bought,
membership ACSI booked, booked trains, outfit ready, various rolls are ready, you can fuck identikit easy ready too. So we
girls very organized.
'm back from London an hour ago and I remember just one word:
Mann ! Not for Iron and Wine to him after we get there Daje .
Foot, excruciating pain in the foot, feet throbbing, feet screaming, feet feet feet feet feet.
arrive in Bologna we decide that we are so we can show our pussies walk the "
mezzoretta " che separa la stazione dal nostro alloggio in via degli Usberti .
Bella roba, sabato pomeriggio, strada principale, bambini, innamorati, stranieri,
kebabbari , robbosi con i cani, sosia di Guccini a caso e il caldo, si il caldo di Bologna.
Ah Bologna!
Che bella Bologna, è una città che mi è sempre piaciuta dove mi trasferirei volentieri.
Bologna is beautiful but perhaps even more beautiful if we get drunk immediately.
lunch in the restaurant frozen in time.
"But it is the second of the afternoon .... will bring us a liter of red
" How come here from Milan to Bologna? "
"Tonight we go to the concert Iron and Wine "
" Mmmm ... ..... Iron is metal? center the Iron Maiden ?
"Definitely not."

Bologna Beautiful, beautiful walk to the Hillock hot and nice, with the fear of stepping on the tail to some nice blind German shepherd, not the poor who then asked him to have of the owners who have a very bad style and studs, maybe he feels more in a sweet poodle .
Montagnola Beautiful, beautiful of us that will stand up and around people say things like:
"I do not believe in Ducks"
Ok not a problem do not give you.
not remember anything but walk, walk, walk, walk, and pain, real pain.

Foot, wine, walking, warm, Tower Asinelli, streets and roads and streets and walk.
Just walk the night comes and there is a live concert.

" maaa she is taxi driver, the area where we are going really bad?"
"Al Locomotiv ?"
" Ehhh girls ... yes, yes."


"You know you are one of the few that we met in Bologna"
" Eheheh , Yeah are rare now! "
" Eee should breed more of you!"

Entriamo nel locale dalle mura rosse, piano piano si riempie, fa già caldo, la guardarobiera è davvero troppo figa e mi fa sentire a disagio, le bariste non sanno fare i cocktail, è la seconda volta che ci ritroviamo a bere il santo Graal dei cocktail fatti male, "Il Cocktail Morte"
Il" C.M" non è altro che uno Sbagliato fatto male, molto male.
Nelle rarità dei casi in cui ci siamo trovati davanti ad un "C.M" non siamo mai riusciti a capire se fosse stato aggiunto o tolto qualcosa.
La scorsa volta ho sfidato la sorte e dopo averlo bevuto tutto mi sono ritrovata a dire cazzate, aprire il cuore, piangere in un angolo e a chiedere a Bugo "Ma secondo te dove ho sbagliato? Bugo aiutami tu".
La cosa brutta è che Bugo c'era davvero, non era una visione post "C.M".
Il "C.M" ha dei riscontri positivi nel senso che ti risveglia dal torpore, ti apre la mente.
It hurts, I know, but you wake up.
But back to the concert Iron and Wine .
It 's time of the shoulder and takes the stage Tift Merrit , the typical American songwriter, those with the grain of the voice that we really feel like a character comparable to Joni Mitchell.
One of those that, in all likelihood, lives in a commune of hippies, drinking organic green stuff, he gets excited in front of the trees in autumn, and shows a rather irritating spiritual serenity, patience and a mystical fun to sing softly.
already hate you.
You are there, above the stage, blessed with your beautiful grain of the voice to sing stuff like " Keep you happy " , people sballonza one part another, the most limonano , the most smiling and happy, too happy and the only thing that I feel are my feet are throbbing and "BOOM BOOM BOOM" were not even in a song volumes of Massini Black Eyed Peas .
Boom Boom Booom .
starting to go crazy, I'm bad, I wear a mere sweater with short sleeves, I do not care to smoke, all this serenity is making me uneasy.
We sit outside the room, walk walk walk.
invent songs on the feet, feet are discussing, inventing teorie su cui i piedi abbiano deciso di ribellarsi dopo aver sentito frasi come "un lavoro fatto con i piedi".
E' pazzia.
Sentiamo il silenzio, siamo alla terza sigaretta di fila.
Ok Sam è sul palco, dovremmo entrare lo so che dovremmo entrare.
Non ce la facciamo ancora.
Fanculo Sam , fuck you, fuck your audience, your shirts and your smiles serenely.
Fuck .
Boom boom boom.
We return there against the wall, ok Sam I'm listening.
Ok Sam you're willing, I'm a snob like the others and I think this album is not the best, blablabla .
Still Sam does not take me, are angry because I do not feel part of the concert, a girl I silences and glares at her, she looks at her, her boyfriend, her shoes, her world.
I go outside to smoke again, yes again.
Of Naples next to me deepen complaints about the new album, but go I think.
continue a heated debate about how the folk is inflated , how Sam always wore plaid shirts, worn-out T-shirts and now we find him here "with the shirt and jacket."
I smile, I smile at her feet hurt, but there Always a fan who feels betrayed when his idol is wearing a "jacket" and it always makes me smile.
Boom, boom boom, and before I finish the cigarette.
'm in the bathroom, the mirror is deforming, are not really so, is the mirror.
What problem has this mirror, mirror and I want to fuck I do not see myself do not understand and cloakroom pussy is always out and is still pussy and I want to mirror, but I can not.
Then I go out, the concert Iron and Wine is ending, we hear it in the air after a two-hour concert.
And here the last two songs ...

I knew that I cared about.
're swinging too, are part of the concert, his feet do the same terrible but now we are you.
You're not listening to well and he understands it, put aside all the tools and uses only one, the best one, his voice.
E 'true but trivial.
Here Iron and Wine is this is one that in a moment makes you forget all that wrong you have done in a day.
(Then fell off the stage foot pain is back and tragedies have happened to other beautiful Bologna, beautiful)