Monday, November 29, 2010

Little Einstein Fundamental Talladega Nights


Waiting for Christmas ... salty cake

was so long that I wanted to do and what better occasion than a buffet dinner? And a very special buffet: Baptism of my little Riviera.
Usually I have always bought the cake already filled, at times I was able to get it to be filled, because that special made in the pastry shop of my country: soft, delicious, ... in one word sublime.
The recipe I found on the Web is magic, the cake is that I found really perfect, not comparable to the pastry, but it really is an honor. As always my ally Kenwood Chef, which makes the dough and baking generally simple, fast and perfect. I found the recipe that I made some changes, but did not affect the validity of the product.

Ingredients: manitoba

600 g flour 100 g burro fuso
200g latte tiepido
60 g acqua
10 g di lievito di birra disidratato
2 tuorli d'uovo
1 uovo intero
1tuorlo d'uovo per spennellare l'impasto
30 g di zucchero
12 g di sale

Introdurre nell'impastatrice tutti gli ingredienti, tranne l'uovo per spennellare, ottenendo un impasto omogeneo e non ppiccicoso. Lievitare coperto e in luogo caldo per almeno un'oretta e comunque finchè l'impasto sia raddoppiato di volume.
Impastare nuovamente, formare una palla e metterla nel fondo di uno stampo di carta per panettoni. Spennellare con 1 uovo sbattuto, infornare con forno statico già caldo, a 175° C per un'ora circa, se la calotta diventa troppo scura coprire con un foglio di alluminio.

Appena cotto toglierlo dallo stampo di carta e lasciare raffreddare.

Io li ho prepararti il gg prima poi li ho avvolti nella pellicola per conservarl imorbidi.
Li ho farciti il gg seguente, uno con il pesce, l'altro con la carne.
Pesce: burro e salmone affumicato, burro e uova di lompo rosse e nere, maionese e salsa tonnata (tonno sgocciolato e frullato insieme a un acciuga e qualche cappero).
Carne: crema tartufata e prosciutto crudo, crema ai porcini and ham, chives and with philadelphia gulf.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Potato Flour Bread Recipes

Plum cake persimmon

many khaki .... good sweet and tasty!

I really like khakis, I have a giant tree from my parents, produces a mountain of persimmons in alternate years, when is pruned we collect about one or two boxes of fruit in the summer but when the tree is blooming with autumn produce up to ten boxes of persimmons. Did you know that apples ripen in the middle? They have only one defect often ripen and eat them all together is almost impossible unless you make them gifts or just a diet of khakis!

Or good thing and using that a bit to do some Dolcino.

Plum cake with khaki

4 cachi o 400 g circa di marmellata di cachi
150 g zucchero
200 g farina
100 g granella di nocciole
1 busta di lievito
20 g cioccolato fondente a scaglie
3 uova
90 g di burro
buccia del limone gratuggiata
zucchero a velo

Fondere il burro. Frullare le uova con lo zucchero fino a che diventa spumoso, aggiungere i cachi un pò alla volta. Unire la granella di nocciole. Setacciare farina e lievito ed unire al composto. Aggiungere il cioccolato, la buccia del limone e il burro.
Grease and flour a cake tin and pour the mixture. Put in oven for 40 m 'at 180 ° C. Dust with icing sugar.

It 'just as a snack in the afternoon, if anything enjoyed having a chat with friends while sipping some good coffee made with mocha.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Is Washing Necessary After Urination

Lasagna with cheese stuffed zucchini

Lasagne Anna Moroni ... with some modifications!

plagiarized Another recipe from the TV, and precisely, Anna Moroni, let's face looking at all the days of the test you cook it is natural to copy the recipes that most inspire you, then you do see step each dish to pass and then make your changes as you type.


Ingredients: 500 g spinach

2 mozzarella
500 ml of sauce * 1
slices of spicy gorgonzola
grated parmesan pasta to make lasagna

some thick slices
of ham salt pepper

prepare a classic pasta for lasagna, roll the dough with grandma duck and dive for a few seconds in boiling salted water with a little olive oil. Dip in cold water to stop the pasta cooking.
bescaimella Prepare a soda 500 ml milk, 50 g butter 50 g flour, salt, I preferred not to put the nutmeg for me there was fine. Then add (when warm), the gorgonzola into pieces.
Cook the spinach in a pan covered with the heat and humidity that is created the spinach is cooked. Lightly season with salt and then remove the excess water. Chop the
prossciutto with the mixer.
lasagnera Take a buttered roll out the pasta on the bottom then a layer of spinach, a little white sauce, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese into small pieces and chopped ham, continuing until you run out of ingredients.

Bake in preheated oven 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Desert Eagle Ca Legal?

The Cod

Baccalà o Stoccafisso?

"Il baccalà è il merluzzo bianco ( Gadus morhua e storione del mar baltico, pesce dal corpo affusolato presente nei mari del Nord) conservato sotto sale ; lo stoccafisso (o stocco in alcune zone dell' Italia meridionale ) è merluzzo artico norvegese (Gadus morhua) conservato per essiccazione , simile al baccalà but has a completely different flavor, in northern Italy often these two names identify the same fish. "says Wikipedia.

Well apart from these discussions the other day I got a nice piece of cod from fishmonger actually know how to desalinate? E ' a very long procedure that requires soaking in water for 2 / 3 days changing the water several times, usually when I take the fish are taken to prepare it for the evening or at least the day after, so the cod does not attract me very much. But my fishmonger, that holy man, had already soaked so I took it willingly. And then look what I made ... excellent for children too, for that matter anything fried (sweet, meat, fish, vegetables, ...) is all still delicious, just the ingredients and the oil are of comparable quality.

codfish fritters

a large piece of cod
3 slices of sandwich loaf
a bunch chives salt

garlic pepper oil for frying

I skinned and bones that I could take off, I then steamed with 3 / 4 cloves garlic, peeled and split in half to 15 m 'around.

I then spent all the mixer with a few slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbread soaked in milk and wrung out, all adjusted with salt and pepper and I put together a nice bunch of chives.
then I made the meatballs a little crushed and I floured.
I then fried it into a pan with oil extravrgine olive oil and various seeds.
then I served it all with a nice salad.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Funny Speeches Movies

zucchini meatball? .... recipe Spisni

The stuffed zucchini are usually prepares a dish that my mother, a traditional dish in my house, which has been handed down for generations. In fact, my mom do not know why I prepared my grandmother and she had learned from her mother, my great-grandmother. There are two versions, one in white, with white sauce and the red, with the classic tomato sauce for the ESAF 'Puccini' to do with the bread crumbs. To tell the truth I like both, but I know that with the sauce, even though there is fried, can give acidità di stomaco, ... ma ho trovato la soluzione.

Guardo spesso, adesso che sono ancora a casa dal lavoro, la Prova del Cuoco e spesso mi capita di scrivere alcune ricette soprattutto quelle degli chef, di Anna Moroni e delle maestre di cucina. Per chi guarda il programma, se dico un detto si capisce già di chi sto parlando: "l'abbondanza non ha mai fatto carestia" ... e sottolinerei che si vede, Alessandra Spisni, rappresenta proprio le sfogline bolognesi: bella genuina, una persona che ha fatto del cibo la sua vita.
Le sue ricette sono sempre ricche e il fatto che usi tanto strutto di certo non allegerisce i piatti, ma alcuni suoi piatti sono tradizione anche da me, infatti confino con la provincia di Bologna and then my country (Poggio Renatico) is influenced by that of both the Bologna Ferrara (Ferrara province).
Just last week I saw his recipe for stuffed zucchini, so I took notes and I proposed the dish for dinner a few nights later, and I will tell you .... wow

Zucchini stuffed with sauce and meatballs
of A. Spisni

Ingredients: zucchini
ten clear enough meaty
a large bottle of tomato sauce
1 / 2 milk or a little more salt

pepper extra virgin olive oil 8 ounces beef
minced beef (lean hamburger type)
2 slices of thick cut bologna
4 slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbread soaked in milk 2 small eggs

Take the zucchini, wash them, deprive them of the ends, cut them in half and dig inside. Do not throw the meat but put it aside. Chop the ground in a blender with mortadella, add the sliced \u200b\u200bbread squeezed, salt, pepper and 2 eggs.
Fill the zucchini with the filling, with what remains to make some meatballs, the size you like, but I recommend that are neither too large nor too small because they must have the same cooking time for squash.
Take the flesh of the zucchini and chop coarsely con il coltello, mettere a rosolare in una padella bella grande con un pò olio, aggiungere le zucchine e farle rosolare brevemente da tutti i lati. Mettere la passata e il latte e appena prende il bollore, aggiungere le polpette. Aggiustare di sale e pepe e cuocere per almeno 50 m'/1h.
Il sugo rimarrà abbastanza fluido.

- il sughetto con il latte assume un sapore interessantissimo
- le polpette e le zucchine sono gustosissime e particolarmente morbide
- la polpa delle zucchine arricchisce il sughetto e importante nulla viene buttato

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nadine Jansen Milk Pic

Great initiative

fennel salad ... for
'Put fennel dinner'

Unfortunately I later learned of this initiative, but yesterday I ran to the supermarket to buy a bunch of fags ... I could not give my support to this rumor.
I think the words are no longer enough, unfortunately, Mr. B. presents itself in the eyes of the world and unfortunately we go down more and more ridiculous. I am convinced that everyone can have their opinions, even if are racist, inhumane and truly ignorant, but when is a country I think that personal opinions should fall into the background. I do not want to add many more words ... pyrtroppo in front of Mr. B. Finbar is a long time, but I fully support the two organizations and the initiative Gaia Madama bavareisa , but also Sara for his post full of meaning (one of the many posts that I read and that hit me) .

Metti un finocchio a cena

So bon appetit Mr. B.

lamb 's lettuce and fennel salad with gorgonzola sauce, aromatic and spicy!

alcune foglie di songino
4/5 finocchi
gorgonzola piccante
alcuni gherigli di noce
senape dolce
aceto di mele
succo di arancio

Tagliare a fette sottili i finocchi e disporli attorno al piatto di portata, alcune fette di finocchio condirle insieme al songino con un pò di sale, disporre il tutto al centro del piatto, aggiungere alcuni pezzetti di gorgonzola e i gherigli di noce. Nel frattempo preparare un emulsione con succo di mezzo arancio (io ho usato un mandarino), un cucchiaio di aceto di mele, un cuchiaio di senape e olio. Cospargere l'emlsione sull'insalata.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Play Pokemon On My Phone

Scent of the sea ...

In these months of transition, when the summer heat is a distant memory, but it is still cold, the colors have changed and the leaves turn yellow, melancholy knocking at the door ..
to fight it and especially when I want to smell the sea I do like these two spaghetti:


fresh mussels

ripe tomatoes or peeled

extra virgin olive oil to taste

1 clove garlic, chopped parsley

500 grams of spaghetti

Procedure: Clean the mussels well for rinsing under 'running water, removing the fine linen and rubbing them with a net to remove marine fouling. Then I personally open one by one, and keep the control from the water, if you can not do this can be opened by putting them in a pan with a little 'oil and garlic, and covering them until the heat it will not open by themselves. Remove molluscs shelled and put them in a bowl. Heat a large skillet in a little 'oil and pour the tomato, then the water of the mussels and cook until the shellfish reach ebollizione.Nel Meanwhile, cook spaghetti al dente, drain and dip the mussels into the pan, season them , finish with chopped parsley and serve!

I take this opportunity also to say that I also attend the Christmas swap organized by AnnaMaria .. flock!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Metal Belt Buckle Blanks

Onion Soup Crouton

Un classico già collaudato.

Eh si quando la stagione si fa un pò più fredda, nella mia famiglia inizianpo le richieste di zuppe vellutate e creme che alla fine diventano un piatto unico.
E sulla mia tavola per tutto l'autunno e l'inverno la zuppa più apprezzata è sempre that of onions.
I love the onions in each version, but nell'insalatone with beans or tuna and onions in vinaigrette is my passion, the big problem is that after you should be at least one days in isolation. And this soup of onions in addition to being in solitary confinement after you've eaten, you should cook it in an isolated place such as I bake from my mother in the cellar where there is an electric stove.
The characteristic pungent smell of these bulbs is due to sulfoxides in onion is particularly rich, and think of her cutting the sulfoxides bind to an enzyme and releases acids solfenici pyruvate and ammonia are the main culprits (after other transformations with enzymes of different nature) lacrimation, especially because in contact with the aqueous humor of our eyes are transformed into sulfuric acid. And that's why the best advice is to cut the onion under running water.

onion soup

Ingredients for 4:
1.5 Kg of gold or white onions 1 small bottle of red beer

about 100 g flour 1 l O
about vegetable broth

oil salt and pepper to taste 1 baguette

300 g fontina cheese

Tagliare sotto l'acqua corrente le cipolle, dopo averle sbucciate, a fettine sottilissime, farle stufare in un tegame con un pò olio. Nel frattempo tostare la farina (più farina si mette, più cremosa risulterà la zuppa), aggiungerla alla cipolla stufata e sfumare con la birra rossa. Coprire il tutto con il brodo vegetale, aggiustare di sale e pepe e lasciare cuocere per almeno un'oretta.
Tagliare a fette la baguette e mettere sopra alcune fette di fontina, tenere almeno 2/3 fette di fontina per ogni persona, perchè verrà messa sul fondo del piatto prima di versare la zuppa.

Preparare some sticks of cheese, the same procedure to make wafers with parmesan and fry them in extra virgin olive oil a few slices of freshly cut onion.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Grocery Coupons Canada

Bouquet autumn

Well summer is over for a while and all we noticed. Autumn has arrived with its rain, early fog, the first cold ... but also came the warm colors of the trees shed their leaves, the smells unforgettable ... mushrooms, truffles, chestnuts ...
I do not know in your cities, but among the ancient streets in Ferrara, the historical monuments, shops who are preparing for Christmas, a sweet scent of roasted chestnuts wafts and "mistochine"
I hawkers in the corners of the old chestnuts cooked in a traditional dish washing and make these cakes on plates made with chestnut flour .... ehhh it smells when they heat up the city came in just the fall.
So we put together the scents of autumn in a toast that speaks for itself.

Toast with radicchio, smoked ricotta and chestnut
Ingredients: 10

chestnut bread baguette
type 1 radicchio early
smoked ricotta

salt pepper oil

Toast baguette slices in oven. Slice the radicchio (keeping a bit of stem), place on a baking sheet, drizzle with a little oil and some salt and pepper, cook for about 20 minutes.
Bake the chestnuts engraved or "castrated," as they say.
Prepare the toasted bread with radishes, a few thin slices of cheese and smoked over a few chestnuts into pieces.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Broken Thumb Treatment

autumn lasagna Halloween pumpkin cake

Fresh pasta .... why not with the pumpkin?

It is already more than a month that the pumpkins are really tasty, I've taken the country in which I purchase from the farm throughout the spring and summer. And then some smaller collections in the country has my husband.
Aside from the pumpkin soup for my little baby, apart from being very mild laxative and is also for those who want to stay on the line is calories, which never hurts, I prepared a pumpkin lasagna.
to think of it is the hat pumpkin Ferrara opened.

lasagna pumpkin


800 g beef 300 g of sausage seasoned

2 / 3 tablespoons of tomato paste Triple
a glass of red wine bay

onion, celery and carrot
pumpkin (1 large)
parmesan cheese nutmeg

milk about 1 / 2 liter
salt pepper


OO flour durum wheat semolina flour

Chop celery, carrot and onion to fry along with a little oil, add the ground beef and sausage and brown. When the meat is all browned, pour a glass of good red wine and let evaporate. Add the tomato paste diluted in some water. Cook at least an hour and a half with some bay leaves.
Meanwhile, halve the pumpkin, place it on a baking tray and bake at 180 ° C until it be soft, you can enter with a fork to hear it.
Remove the pulp from the peel and put it in a blender with Parmesan and nutmeg to taste and milk to obtain a cream that resembles the consistency of a sauce.
Prepare a classic pastry with flour and two eggs, cut strips of dough and bake for a few minutes in boiling water with a little olive oil.
Take a tin of baked clay lay thick pastry, meat sauce, cream of pumpkin and parmesan cheese and gradually so, bake to create a crust on top.
Serve with plenty of parmesan.